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How can we give people living without homes a shelter, make improvements in their wellbeing, and assist those that are dependent upon them? An extreme number of people are living on the streets of Skid Row, while people are given the privilege of driving from their homes to work in the city, taking up a large volume of space to house their cars.


Biophilia is the idea that humans want to pursue a connection with natural forms of life. Humans love connection with anything natural: natural light, plants, air, and landscapes. Implementing just one of these natural things into each space to be used by the newly housed will improve the wellbeing of the inhabitants.


Growth can happen in broken and unused places. By distinguishing a place that is no longer relevant, a new project can be sustainably implemented into the existing shell. This use of adaptive reuse expresses that something new and beautiful can develop from something mundane or thus forgotten.

01 thesis statement
06 unit
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